Submit a Prayer

Prayers for 2015

I am Neena from India residing in Dubai.  I lost job on 14th May and as of now i did not get any calls for interview.  I am very much scared to face the interview.  I request you to kindly pray for me to get a job. My loving Jesus have mercy on me.  Seeking Blessing from you.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


That my cancer is no big deal
My name is Dwi and I am Thirsty. Please I beg you to pray for me to Jesus through Mother Mary, His Blessed Mother, and your patron saint. I\'m very very poor in this life: my economy financial hardship, bad health, unfinished study. Please pray for me so that my throat sore lungs total recovered. Erase the evil phlegm lodged in the lungs throat. I want my breath of relief and evil phlegm no longer suffocating chest. I want no more pain allergies, flu, colds, sore back, and buttocks. I want my five five senses guarded, especially more my eyes, I want my eyes healthy for ever and no eye disorders. My back is bent and my hemorrhoids is healed. Tumors in my body disappears. All diseases in my body disappeared. The holy souls please help so that I healed completely. Heal my urinary disorders and my bladder. Please take care my teeth properly. Please pray for me so that there is a healing for me and miracles happen upon my illness, especially my lung diseases and my back. I beg you also a prayer for my wife, my sisters and brother, my niece if they get sick there are not medicine give them a healing. PIease pray for me so that I can make happy my wife. I \' m in very difficult situation. I have problems in economic, finance, and employment. I hope I can get many many graces and miracles. I can find job in masses media. I hope I don\'t have a problem in interaction with other reporters/journalists, easy to find information. Lord Jesus and His Blessed Mother is always protect me when I run errands for searching information. Please pray me so I can save from bad behavior of my bosses. I want to have some business to support your family life. I hope deliver soon from my problems in economic, finance, and employment. University where I study also want me drop out from their university. Please pray for me so that there is/are the pro bono advocate(s) help me and the university accept my right to study according to the constitution and accept again to be their student again without I need propose the citizen lawsuit against them to. May the Holy Saints and the holy souls assist me. Please I beg you to pray for me so that can asking for grants for raising goats. Please help me so that I can plant beautiful flowers that I can dedicate as my devotion to Saint Mary and Jesus the Divine Child. I want when I am total fasting not eating and drinking for days there are the angels and the holy souls who give eat and drink to my pets and my flocks and watering my plants. Please pray for me so that my magazines and books which is borrowed and brought will be returned. Because they are important to me. I want laduni and sasmita gaib. If I have sons I promise that my first son will be your holy priest because of I will go to present him to our Father in Heaven and Jesus our Lord and he will follow the example of your Mother, Mary. Please remember me always in your every first Friday Mass for nine times and your rosary prayers and meditations. (
Dear Lord Please hear my Prayers for my baby boy Kirby Please heal His legs thank You my Father
10 year old Sophie has had headaches and dizziness from a concussion that lasted over 5 weeks and the doctors can not seem to help her. She has been to many specialist with no results. Please pray for her.
Healing of prostate.Healing in body.mind and spirit. For Jimmy.Millie.Joseph.John,Cindy and family.Thank you.
Healing of prostatitis and heaing in body, mind and spirit. Thank you.
please pray for me as I need one of your miracles. I have recently been diagnosed with serious kidney problems. Please Padre Pio,remember me as one of your spiritual daughtersmSgaj
Thanks for all of your hard work on my case and bringing Phil back in my life. I have never seen the results from a spell like the ones that I have seen from yours. You truly are the one person that I can count on in my life to be a friend. Mentioning friend, let me tell everyone reading my testimony.. obosianzen is more than a spell caster, he is a person that takes care of your case. I have been to many different sites (Ashia, Egyptian Witch sites, and several others) and I have put off to counselors and several other different people have handled my case, to no avail. When I approached with my situation I was stunned at the personal service and attention to detail that he gave to my case. and after 3 day which he promise Phil come back to me and start begging for forgiveness thanks to dr obosianzen for all he has done for me
Please help me heal quickly and easily from lung cancer. Thank you.
With all my heart I\'m asking you to pray for my son Juan who is living a life of misery and destruction due to drugs and mental issues. Please pray a lot and ask Padre Pio for my son\'s health. I know in my heart, with your intercession my son can be cured and can have the light and desire to make a better life for himself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mom
WAYNE WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT IN2013 WHICH LEFT HIM A QUADRAPELGIC. HE IS DETERIMED TO WALK AND MOVE AGAIN. WE PRAY EVERYDAY FOR HIS DREAM.HE WAS HOPING TO GO TO THE PADRE PIO MASS FOR THE HEALING BUT HE WILL BE IN HEALTHSOUTH REhab in vineland . I will be there to pray for him. this 57 year old man\'s hope and strength inspires me. please god help this man... his devoted wife Cathie, if he could have a priest come to the rehab to give hime more faith that will be wonderfUL. 1237 Sherman ave. healthsouth rehab vineland. wayne fichetolA ROOM 5 THANK YOU IF YOU CAN VISIT HIM.
For our friend in Christ Bill Verville; his wife Laura and their children, through the prayers and strength of St. Pio and the glory of our Lord Jesus, find a successful living donor to help Bill win his battle against cancer. May their lifelong faith, love and positive spirit as a family always be guided by the Holy Spirit and that their friends, family and associates be inspired through the teachings and gifts of Jesus to extend any bit of help and assistance to Bill and his family to achieve improved health and the ultimate cure for his illness to include a safe and successful recovery. Please dedicate a random act of kindness and a daily Lord\'s Prayer as well as a Hail Mary to Bill and his family asking Jesus to bring Bill a living donor. Please ask the Blessed Mother to protect and guide this family through her love, faith and compassion in this time of need. If our friends in Christ praying for Bill can pray to St. Pio, the saint who knew pain and sacrifice and ask him to keep Bill positive, comfortable and as pain free as possible while he undergoes his journey and battle. May Saint Pade Pio along with help of all the angels and Saints especially Saints Michael, Joseph, Nicholas, Lucy Filipini, Thomas, Francis of Assisi, Anthony, Bernadette, Gregory, Blase, Matthew, Cathrine, Ann, Monnica, Paul, Peter, Mother Teresa and John Paul II pray for Bill and his family. Finally, after prayerful consideration, if you or somoeone you know would like to be a living donor and possible match for Bill’s critical transplant need, contact his family at or (603) 228-9666. Find out more info and how to help to and share via FaceBook group: Find A Donor For Bill Help for this great man and his family could be a simple as sharing this message which is only a few clicks and seconds of your time. May God bless you for considering this request. The Morici Family
I ask gracefully, through the power of God, that Padre Pio heal me.
My family is having difficulties. My one son has ocd very badly. My other son has a concussion and severe lyme disease and is bedridden. My husband and I are very challenged by all of this.
Dear Padre Pio - Please intercede the Lord and Mother Mary on my behalf - that I have good results on my ct scan Friday 2-27-15
Dearest St Padre Pio, I ask for your blessings of peace and comfort for my dear friend whose Mother has been placed in hospice care.
I pray that my family can endure and survive this troubled and stressful time in our lives.
Please pray that God will restore my relationship with Rodney and renew our love for one another. May He find a way to bring us back together and share our lives as husband and wife. In Jesus name I ask. Amen
Please pray that God will restore my relationship with Rodney and renew our love for one another. May He find a way to bring us back together and share our lives as husband and wife. In Jesus name I ask. Amen
My son Juan is in need of a lot of prayers. Mental and drug issues are taking a heavy tool on him. Nothing motivates him to get out of this devastating situation. Please intercede before Padre Pio so my son can be cured. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mom
Healing of prostate and anxiety. Thank You!
need healing for eyes glocoma joes heart muscle need to improve
For my mother Estefania Cruz, recover from cancer and pray fod her good health
Please put prayer request in bulletin for Karen Fantini who is battling both breast cancer and brain cancer.
Healing for eyes wrist arm mind heart9
Prayers for friend for strength and good outcome of surgery. . Thank you
please pray for my baby granddaughter Grace who is 9 months old and deaf; also for my 4 year old grandson Mason August who has Type One Diabetes. I also need prayer for chronic illness and epilepsy. Thank you!
Healing for my husband, David Terra who has been suffering from severe cold and persistent cough since February 2. He has not been able to sleep much. Please pray for his recovery soon. Thank you and God bless your ministry!
Please pray for Joe\'s recovery from surgery.
Please pray fro healing from cancer.
I wish to remain anonymous, but please pray for my husband and I. We have been struggling with infertility for almost 2 years.
Repose of soul of husband Joe who passed away New Years Day andfor my son that he find peace Br returning to church. For intentions of all those who have asked for my prayers,

Please pray for my friend\'s husband who is in critical condition from a major heart attack.
Please pray for Evan Murphy 19.. he has a rare stage of cancer and is very scared. It is the throat and the nose cancer. Thank you!!! I am asking for a friend of mine. It is his godson. I believe so much in Saint Padre pio.

Keep Barbara and our replica watches uk family in your hearts during her upcoming battle. She is strong and brave and will overcome this trial through her faith and determination.
Please pray for me to get a job
joey heart muscle to replica watches improve marie eyes to be healed from glocoma son tostay off drugs and to get better


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