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Prayers for 2014

My father passed away nov 25th. I would like to request prayers for him as well as me as i am having a hard time dealing with this loss. Thanks
joey heart muscle to improve its low please pray for him marie glocona to be free of it .and need peace
A solution for mentsl heslth issues. A remission of my illness. Thank you
Pray for my sister in laws mother who is elderly and has pnemoniA . She is extremely weak and not responding to antibodies. Her name is June. Pray for my husbands back to get better free from pain
Please grant good health to my family and my friends families.
A remission for cancer and good health.
To heal my tonsil, throat and entire body
Dear Padre Pio, Please pray that my tonsil, throat and entire body are healed Thank You
To heal my tonsil, throat and entire body
My husband Michael Dougherty is gravely ill at Jefferson Hospital Trauma Unit of Neurology, He was Helicoptered from Inspira on Friday morning for emergency surgery. He fell and hit his head and had Brain Bleed.....he is on life support and has had so many complications so far. We do not live in Vineland but Michael loves attending Mass at Padre Pio. We ask that each setback to his recovery will have positive outcome going forward and that if it be God\'s Will for Michael a Miracle? A Full Recovery God? Please pray for Michael\'s Miracle with me? Michael is an extraordinary man of faith, love, loyalty to God and Family. A Huge Presence in this world to help and love others. And he was my High School Sweetheart in 1963..first love....we parted and lived a separate lifetime.....and in 2008 reunited and married in 2012. After all those years, God gave us back to each other...and I am asking God in Jesus Name, to give us a little more time together if it be His Will. Thank you for praying with me for Michael\'s Miracle. Thanking God for Michael\'s Love. Carol Ann Dougherty
Father, Our Lady and Padre Pio, Thank you for prayers offered. Please pray for my mammogram to be clear of any calcifications and for me to be free of cancer. Much love and gratitude, Melody
I am writing to ask you to pray for my brother who lives in Vineland. He has what appears to be a terminal bone marrow disease but has lived longer than what doctors expected. He is 64 years old. I am also wanting to know if a priest, nun, or deacon could visit him to talk about returning to the Catholic Church. He is divorced and remarried and an evangelical Christian, but both he and his wife want to make whatever steps they can to return to the Catholic Church. I told him when that I would do what I can to help and to at least have someone talk to him about it. If someone replies I will be happy to provide my phone number and more information. Thank you.
Please pray for two things - one that my daughter is healed from whatever is wrong internally - Many test and nothing is found. And two, that she is able to live away at college next year that her two friends become her roommates and confirm this tonight or tomorrow. In Jesus name, Amen.
Please bring someone wonderful into my daughter Lynn\'s life. She is so wonderful and loving but she has not found that someone special to share her life with. I am very blessed in my own life with Lynn\'s father - we love her so much . Thank you , and we love you dear Padre Pio
: A request for prayers of comfort for Ellen & Lou Demoulin and the entire Henry family during their time of grief in the passing of Ellen\'s mother, Gladys Henry.
Please pray for me as I am having surgery on Wednesday for endomentrial cancer. Pray that all goes well and that the cancer is not anywhere else. Thank you.
Health of my Mom and daughter.
Please pray for my eldest daughter, Leslie, that she be healed mind, body and spirit from afflictions. Thank you Jesus.
Please pray for my husband, Vince\'s, medical issues. He has had two very rough years with unrelated work issues now facing some very, very scary health issues. With the grace of God and your prayers, we will get through this and pray that his health will return. Please God, this man is so like you and lives his life through your word. Grant him health and happiness for years to come.
Divine Mercy Incarnate Jesus, I thank you and praise You for hearing our prayers in You mercy and humility, thank You that although our praise and thanksgiving are unworthy of You, You accept them through Thy mercy and merits, grant I beseech Thee a heart of worship, consistency in prayers, trust & love for Thy Divine Good Word, grant us peace. Answer the Rule of Victor prayer for all especially upon my clients, families, friends, relationships, Kelly, Ben, Belinda, Craig, Amanda, Paula, Apache, and all associates and grant us serenity, security in Thee. Divine Counselor, counsel in and through and for us especially Jim, Szada, and myself and grant protection for all. Keep us under the mantle of the Immaculate Conception and patronage of St. Joseph and add your merits to them for the Glory of Our Father in Heaven who loves us. Heal the image of True God in each individual and our image in Thee. Good and Gentle Shepard, thank You ahead of time for transforming all the desolate places into the Garden of Eden. Saints and Holy Angles of True God, pray with us and for us, protect and minister to us for the Glory and communio of the Blessed Trinity, joy and peace in our salvation. True Lord, Jesus, we trust in You, we surrender all to You, You take care of it, Grant us the humility to deny our will and accept Your will, Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners. AMEN.
Please pray that my daughter has a healthy baby. She is due in April 2015. I prayed for one year to Padre Pio (for his intercession) that she would become pregnant. We just received the good news that she and her husband will be parents. We consider it a miracle. I have been attending the Padre Pio and Miraculous Medal novena in Exton PA - the third Saturday of every month.
Please include in your prayer intentions this week: Divine Mercy Incarnate Jesus, I thank You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Bless us all with the grace to forgive,be forgiven, and heal the guilt of our sins. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on us, sinners. True Lord, I surrender all my anxieties, petitions, Kelly, Ben, relationships, counseling sessions, clients, associates, Gaudenzia to You, You take care of it, for we trust in Thy infinite Goodness and Sovereignty of Thy Divine Word, Blessed Mother I entrust all to you because you are infinitely more wise and humble, dispose of us and thy graces as thy will. I beseech thee, True Lord, grace of serenity prayer for all my clients, healing/reconciliation in all relationships particularly with Belinda and Craig and those that need this grace. Grant me trust, love for Thy Divine Word and grace to truly hear, attentive to Thy Presence, True God centered, and obedient in love. Help in all my studies, work, papers, for Thy glory. True Lord, Jesus, I trust in You! Fulfill the Ruel of Victor Prayer only grant us Thy humility to receive so that the good work You began in us shall be completed and protect us as You defend Your name, Divine Mercy, AMEN.
Prayer to Saint Jude
Please pray to St Padre Pio for the healing of my brother Victors feet and the healing of his heart and help him to loose weight Thanking you
We are waiting for our New Zealand Residence Visa interview out-come (held on July, 10th). Till there is no reply. Please pray for approval of Our Residence Visa soon without any hitch .
: Please pray for my son s ankle he is a soldier and has no tendon in his ankle he is afraid of surgery for all reasons,financial,also. Also the new baby expected in February. My throat condition and my husband and daughter. For my whole family and the world. I have been to the shrine thankful to have it. Bless us all, thank you.

Please pray for my son s ankle he is a soldier and has no tendon in his ankle he is afraid of surgery for all reasons,financial,also. Also the new baby expected in February. My throat condition and my husband and daughter. For my whole family and the world. I have been to the shrine thankful to have it. Bless us all, thank you.
: Please heal Roseanne giurici has lung cancer
Dear Padre pio, Father please intercede for me, I need your utmost help, bless me with money for roses today, for st expedite,.bless me with gas money for my van, $20.00 . Bless me father with money to pay my debts, $500.00 for my rent, which is over due, before they sell my things. Padre, I need you near me, I need to hear ryour voice, please guide me padre. Hurry to my aid, I miss you , why aren\'t you near me? I am hoping to get home to New jersey before the snow hits, padre please help me get home, to new jersey and new york,.. Please help me. Bless me, with getting to talk to RABBI Krinsky. Please , thank you, love you, AMEN AMEN
Padre Pio I am requesting for a miracle healing of my brain, nerves, neck, spine, and organ damage due to car accident and bad chiropractic treatment. Please reverse all damage and heal completely in Jesus name.
Pray to St. Padre Pio for help in the full recovery of Victoria Farriella. Victoria was run over by an SUV and must begin extensive therapy to regain her physical and mental capacities. God Bless Padre Pio for his ever lasting dedication.
: Please pray for our family. Please pray we stay in our home. Please take care of our situation. Bring us peace, love, and togetherness. Please take away any pain and bless us with health. With my deep love and appreciation I pray to you.
Padre Pio, Please heal my unborn baby girl. Her heart and her brain need much healing. Please make her healthy and strong. We believe in your help. Thank you.
Dear Padre Pio, please i ask for your assistance, I ask that Truth and Justice come to me on the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross, to always protect my daughter Valerie and our relationship, to fall in love and marry the beautiful girl you introduced me at your shrine. Pete
Please pray for Danny who was let go from his career of 27 years and has a family to support. Please pray for St. Pio to intercede in all Danny\'s spiritual and financial needs. Thank you!
For my older brother Dane Barse who is fighting for life at the Cooper Hospital ICU. Prayers for his medical team and for a full recovery.
Please Padre Pio help my daughter Angela who is suffering from crohns disease get better. I know there is no cur however let her be free of pain and symptom free. She is a young lady who does not deserve to feel this way. I know that you will answer my prayers. Padre Pio hear me.
Padre Pio please pray for my intentions, I know there are many, but you have answered me before and I know I can\'t receive the help I need without you and my guardian angel. I am trying not to worry as you have asked of your followers, but I am afraid that without your help they won\'t come to me. As you know they are varied and involve many of my family members , especially good health and strength and long term on the right path, it also involves selling my house which I am unsure as to ask this of you since the others are health and welfare of my loved ones. I am trying to be a better person, more tolerant and if I get the chance more helpful to anyone that needs help. I love you and have never felt the closeness that I feel with you. Please help me with my anxiety and depression and to leave everything in your hands and know that you will watch over and guide me. Thank you , Amen
My fiancé and I were in a car accident on 9/22/14. I was the passenger and received blunt force trauma to my eyes. I currently have blood in front of my right eye, which is improving, and blood in front and back of my left eye. I have been going to the best eye specialists in the area all week and they are unable to determine if my vision will come back in my left eye and, if it does, how much. I went to retina specialist today and there is a great chance that my central vision will be lost. I am 30 years old, no children, and need a miracle. Not being able to see interferes with everything that I love, including my job and my future dreams. I just want my vision back. I cannot return to work like this, as I sit in front of a computer all day. My fiancé has been unemployed for almost 3 years and has been in eligible for benefits since last December. I am the one with the income right now. He has an interview on Tuesday and we n eed him to get this job, especially since we do not have a car due to the accident and his credit is much better than mine. Please pray that my vision returns ASAP and that I do not have any further complications with my eyes or vision. Please also pray that my fiancé gets the job that he is interviewing for on September 30th.

Prayer_Request: My Dearest Friend Padre Pio , please intercede to God , Jesus , Our Blessed Mother and send the Angels at great speed to heal my husband , Paul of his liver disease . Of this petition , you already know as I have been talking to you via your photo & burning candles every evening in prayer about this case ... and , although the doctors said it was impossible , we DID bring Paul\'s billiruben counts down 1/2 in 7 days ! ( Maybe we can sidestep the transplant or the Drs. can use me as the live organ liver transplant donor , as I have prayed about to you to talk to to God about...) But , Padre Pio , I ask for my husband a TOTAL HEALING - and , now, another thing I ask you to intercede for ... the Doctor told Paul to get his bad teeth out as they were poisening his system & Paul had them ALL out today ( 09-22-2014 ) . Please see to it that Paul heal now from THIS as well in record time with little to no more pain . He is suffering mightily now in the moment ... Please guide me in the correct care for Paul , making positive that I give him the correct things for his body & spirit that he needs for his healing . ( I am SO worried that the pain meds may redamage Paul\'s already overly fragile liver & make him so ill again . This is a VERY real & total possibility .) Also , we are under quite some financial worries - we need to move somewhere within the next 15 ( ?) days ... my sister-in-law is putting us out & there is not any talking to her ... I pray God shall provide . Padre , you know too , that I heard the trucks brakes going out today while I was picking up Paul\'s meds ... Can you let me either find a friend to help me to put new pads on or just hold the thing together longer or something ??!! Padre Pio , I thank you and am SO grateful to have learned about you just a few mere months ago from my beloved Paul , whom had met you when he was a child - he needs your loving touch now ,Padre. Please , do not forget him . Thank you , Thank you and Thanks be to God .
Dear St.Padre Pio in the name of Jesus I pray, Please cleanse my body of this disease . Take my limp away and let me walk normally. Thank you ,St. Pio
Please pray for my family. Bring them back to the Church Thank for jobs received. Health for Sophie.
pls pray to padre pio for me as i need a speedy job in RAYCHEM if God wills or where-ever suitable placement God has willed for me.thanks. Lloyd
St. Pio, please help us to obtain a buyer for our home which has been on the market for some time now. We must move much closer to my father who is 92 and very fraile. It is too difficult helping him from the distance we are now. We pray that you will intercede and bring a buyer swiftly so we may get to my father. Thank-you St. Pio.
Please pray for my intentions. Pete
Please help me with my husband who has an alcohol problem and will not stop his drinking He is destroying my family and I need help and much prayers please pray for me
: Please pray for Dan Haley, Jenna Gassew, and their unborn child Shane Michael that is due to be born on October 12, 2014 with anencephaly. Thank you.
I like a prayer for my wife\'s appeal application to be approved. The H.O requested additional documents of which we sent to them on time and I pray that they will approve those documents and grant my wife a visa. I also pray for financial miracle to pay off our debts and children on our marriage.
please pray for caroline(mom)she is having a hard time with the lost of my uncle help heal her mind,heart and hand that she fracture a month ago. please give me patience i am her care giver i need strenght and wisdom to help with her care
Holy Spirit take my prayers to St Padre Pio I pray fir my two boys Brandon and Louis to have a conversion to come back to the faith,to be the men God created them to be...a thank you in advance.
Please pray for total and complete healing for Nicole Beth May (39 years old) from Mays Landing NJ who is suffering with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. We pray for a miracle that she may be healed, not for God to prove himself to us, but for all the good that is within her which is him, the father, that he may lay his hand of healing upon her through St Padre Pio. We ask that all signs of this disease is taken from her blood, her bones, her cells, that her lymph nodes drain properly again and her body goes back to normal, that her pain is gone, that her bones are healed, that she will no longer need medications, that her mind and body remains strong as well as her faith while this child of God is under siege. Thank you St. Padre Pio for coming and praying with us in our home in 2012 and giving us communion, when Nicole was given a 4-5 month prognosis and could not walk. We thank you for your continued prayers for total and complete healing at this time. Beth M. May
Please pray for health and prosperity for my friends and loved ones.
Please pray for continued healing for Helen Dominguez
Please pray for continued healing for Diana Magrann and Lou Porecca from PA.
Please pray for continued healing for Diana Magrann and Lou Porecca from PA.

Please pray for the soul of Raul Arguello Sr from NY

Prayer_Request: healing for my eyes please lord take away the glocoma. grandkidslet there parents wise up and get along joes heart muscle to improve .
Prayer_Request: caro padre pio per favore prega per mia figlia che si sente bene sideve sposare in quattro settimane esi sente aggitata grazie m l
Prayer_Request: My mother, Mary lou evans, passed away this morning after her long battle with Parkinsons and dementia. Please pray for her and our family. We will be traveling to WV. There is not going to be a funeral per her wishes but a celebration of life gathering on Monday. Pray that evening will be a good experience without hostility from certain family members. For myself I ask you to pray for strengh, comfort,patience, and love to others.

Prayer_Request: Please pray for my friend and co-workeer Sharon McConnell of Pennsauken, New Jersy for divine healing of all cancer. She was just diagnosed with stage I cancer of the breast and now must go for more test because they think it is in other parts of her body.
Prayer_Request: My mother, Mary lou evans, passed away this morning after her long battle with Parkinsons and dementia. Please pray for her and our family. We will be traveling to WV. There is not going to be a funeral per her wishes but a celebration of life gathering on Monday. Pray that evening will be a good experience without hostility from certain family members. For myself I ask you to pray for strengh, comfort,patience, and love to others.
Prayer_Request: Please pray for my grandson joey. He had blood work and his white blood cell count is low. Please pray this is nothing serious. Thank you very much
Prayer_Request: Tomorrow is a big surgery day! Plastic surgery will attempt to reconstruct the wound area using a procedure called a muscle flap. From what I have been told it is a painful procedure and a very long recovery. He probably won\'t be able to be on his back for a year which is a close to impossible thing for a child with little of his own movement who is unable to sit or lie on his stomach. Prayers for to shelter Louie from pain and have us find the resources to properly let him heal. Also pray for Louie\'s home nurses that they are able to find work during this long period away from home.
Prayer_Request: Please kindly pray that all will go well for me at my job. We prayfor generational curses to be broken until the time of adam, thanks! :-)
Prayer_Request: Prayers for Jim and Michele Egrie, Drexel Hill, Pa 58 year old Jim has just received the diagnosis of type B Lymphoma. He has an appt with an oncologist this Fri Please help and pray for them both as this is a very difficult time for two very loving people who have already been thru a lot together. they love each other very dearly. He has always had trouble with Panic attacks, but at present has remained very calm. He is on oxygen now, so I trust that Padre Pio would help him. I thank you sincerely for all the prayers that will be said for him and her. thank you N lavin
Prayer_Request: Please pray for me to pass nursing board exam on Aug 5 To get the job I mostly desire For our marriage be blessed with a baby
Prayer_Request: Pregate per me,...ho un problema,non di salute,ho I miei acciacchi,ma tutto procede diciamo bene, mio problema e che sono caduto nella trappola infernale della pornografia,vorrei tanto uscirne ma da solo non ci riesco,...quando dopo un\'ennesima caduta,dico ok smetto,passa anche un po\' di tempo anche poi ricado peggio di prima,.....a volte dico a Gesu\' e alla mamma nostra non lo faccio piu\',mi confesso,....prometto,prometto,e poi....non voglio neanche lontanamente pensare che Gesu\' si sia scocciato di me e non voglia neanche ascoltarmi piu\',per carita\'.....Il mio chiamamolo vizio e\' peggio della droga,quasi una dipendenza.....allora dopo una ennesima caduta ho deciso di chiedere aiuto alla mia chiesa (cattolica)che prego nella vostra persona caro Padre Saporito di trovare preghiere ed aiuto,fate pregare la vostra comunita\',e se volete contattarmi tramite Email,fatelo pure,....cerco un sacerdote italiano per potermi confessare,in inglese mi viene difficile....Sono d\'accordo con Gesu\' quando dice senza di me non potete fare nulla,...Vi ringrazio nell\'attesa di un vostro scritto...Pasquale Lubrano
Prayer_Request: Let me believe again
Prayer_Request: Please pray that my daughter & son get new homes.
Prayer_Request: Please pray for Bruno’s health, healing and safety. Thank you.
Prayer_Request: Please pray for Tim that he wakes from the coma he is in and breathes on his own. Thank you
Prayer_Request: Please pray for God to heal her from Cancer.
Prayer_Request: Please pray that the Philippines, especially Metro Manila/Quezon City are spared from a major earthquake and other major disasters, natural and man-made. Thank you.
Prayer_Request: Please pray for Alice so she is always healthy. Pray that her forthcoming diagnostic exams will have favorable results. Pray for her healing from diabetes, high blood, osteoarthritis, leg pain and swollen foot. Thank you.

Prayer_Request: Please pray for healing as Alida was in a bad car accident.
Prayer_Request: Holy Spirit dwell in our hearts of Watie Murrell Alberty IV fill it with love, hope, and faith. Touch our minds with your wisdom for us to be guided and be enlightened. Sacred Heart of Jesus let your sacred precious blood flow in our hearts for our hearts and soul be healed and let the love grow and glow in our hearts and be the love will lead us back together again. God the Father, Holy Spirit and Lord Jesus Christ I trust you, I believe in you, I have faith in you and I love you. I believe you brought us here me and Watie. We were born to be together but right now we are in separate lives but I have faith that love will lead us back together because I faith that love is God and love is kind, pure, true and endure everything. I have faith in you my God that you will guide us together. I believe you hear me and answer me because I believe You are a loving father and merciful father. I faith in the power of your hands and words, nothing is impossible and miracles happen. Open our hearts and minds, bless us, guide us, lead us together again. I faith prayers can move mountains and love moves mysteriously. I faith my prayers be heard and be granted through you son Jesus, the way, the life, and truth. Amen.
Prayer_Request: Sun Jun 29 Prayer request for Sarah Ferrari. Having emergency surgery for appendicitis right now in Vineland hospital. She also has a kidney stone. pray surgery for appendix removal goes well and for speedy recovery and stone stops hurting.

Prayer_Request: Prayer request; Pray for my mother, Mary Lou Evans, who is bedridden and hardly eating or drinking, has a broken hip, and non communative . She is in a nursing home in WV where I am from and has hospise care. Mother has Lewy Body dementia and Parkinsons. We have been told that the end is near. Pray for her to go to be with the Lord soon so she doesnt have to suffer, pray my father Don Evans will have peace and calmness and know he is not alone. Pray my brothers and I all have a calm and accepting spirit of her upcoming death and be respectful and calm with each other as we deal with this situation. thank you,
Prayer_Request: Asking God to make me feel better. Also to help my daughter and her family to get thru very rough times with losing their home. Pray they find a new place this week. Amen Thank you
Please listen to my desperate request for assistance.  I lost my job and I'm about to lose my house.  I have not paid for my house for quite sometime because of my job loss.  I got a job but lost it soon after, last Saturday, November 2, 2013.  I was not able to keep it not even for a month.  I came accross a nurse who was supposed to train me on nights, she was very abrasive, rough with me and I ultimately felt I could not survive there, she had been working there for over 35 years and was retiring in 2 weeks, she had not a kind word or act towards me.  I am a nurse, but now is very difficult to find a decent pay job, even here in California.  I was supposed to fill her position .... Now I am back to zero, alone with 2 kids, almost without a house, no family, not real friends, nobody in California, single mom.  The bank will take my house any time ...

Please Padre Pio, Please Prayer Group do not forget about me, about my prayer request, please pray for me to get a job soon ... please try not to forget about me, Elsie and my desperate need for your assistance.  I really and honestly need prayer help, help from Padre Pio and you

Bless you all and Thank You
Prayer_Request: Please help my friend Alyssa and niece Jenni fight and win their battle against severe cases of Crohn\'s Disease.
Prayer_Request: pray for my eyes healing from glocoma andback trouble also bad nerves marie and throat problem.
Prayer_Request: Urgent intercessory prayer for Barbara, elderly and widowed, who is facing serious financial difficulties, a depleted bank account and no income. May the Lord glorify His name in this situation.
Prayer_Request: Prayer Request For World Peace Now - I pray for world peace to be fully realized now, and for this peace to last forever after, and I ask for all of this in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer_Request: marie for eyes to get better .take away the glocoma lord son to get along with his x wife to get his more please pray for him .joe heart muscle to get better,daughter nerves to get stronger.
Prayer_Request: God the father, I trust you, I believe in you, I love you, I have faith in you. I beg Holy Spirit, dwell of our hearts of Watie Murrell Alberty IV fill it with love, hope and faith. Holy Spirit, touch our minds with your wisdom for us to be guided and be enlightened. Be our light for us to see the beauty of our relationship we had despite of the distance, ups and downs. Be our light for us to see a great future for both of us together. Make us both to be more positive, remove the worries. I beg Sacred Heart of Jesus, let your Precious blood flow in our hearts and souls of Watie Murrell Alberty IV. Let our hearts, souls, past be healed with your precious blood. Take all the pains, stains, fears, doubts, and worries in our hearts for we can start all over again together with pyrenees and holliness of our hearts and souls filled with with love, hope and faith. God the Father, I believe that you brought me and Watie IV for us to be together and born to share our lives together but right now we are in separate lives. You let this happen and I fully understand for us to learn from our mistakes and past to become mature, to become more stronger and better individual for each other, for others and for You. I have faith that You will lead us back together at the right time, place and moment filled with love, hope and faith. I keep on hoping and believing that their will be another chance for us because I have faith that love never ends, dies, lies and fades. I have faith my God, You are listening to my prayers, what i am asking and what my heart\'s desire. I have faith that You will answer me because You are a loving father, merciful father, full of grace, never disappoints and let down Your children. I know that what I am asking is too much and impossible, but I have faith through Your words and hands, everything is possible and miracles happen together with love, hope and faith. Bless, guide and embrace us with your love so we can start a new a stronger, mature, peaceful and harmonius relationship that will last forever filled with love, hope and faith. I have faith my prayers be heard and be granted through Your loving son Jesus Christ, the way, the life and the truth. Amen.
Prayer_Request: Bless, unite, lead us me and Watie Murrell Alberty IV. Embrace us with your love our God for us to build a better, stronger, mature, harmonious and peaceful relationship that will last forever. Holy Spirit be our light and wisdom for us to be guided and enlightened,and keep us more positive. Lord Jesus let your precious blood heal our hearts and souls by taking the pain, fears, and doubts and fill with love, hope and faith . Amen.
Prayer_Request: Holy Spirit, dwell in my heart and Watie Murrell Alberty IV\'s heart fill it with love, hope and faith. Holy Spirit, touch our minds with your wisdom for we\'ll be guided and be enlightened. Be our light for us to see the beauty of our relationship despite of the distance, ups and downs we had. Be our light for us to see a great future for both of us together. Make us both to be more positive, remove the worryings and overcome the overthinking. Sacred Heart of Jesus, let your Precious blood flow in our hearts and souls of Watie Murrell Alberty IV. Take all the pains, stains, fears, doubts, and worryings in our heart. Heal our broken hearts and broken past with your Precious blood for we can start all over again together with wholeness, fullness of our hearts and with pureness, holliness of our hearts and soul. Fill our hearts with love, hope and faith. God the father, I trust you, I believe in you, I love you, I have faith in you. I believe that you brought me and Watie IV for us to be together, we were born for each other and share lives together, I believe we are meant to be. But right now we are in separate ways,You let this happen and fully understood you for us to become mature, to learn,to grow to become more stronger and better individual for each other, for others and for You. I have faith that You will lead us back together once we have changed for better at the right time, place and moment. I keep on hoping and believing that their will be another chance for us because I have faith that love never dies, lies and fades. I have faith love will lead us back because You are love and love moves in mysterious way.I faith my God, You are listening to my prayers, what i am asking and what my heart\'s desire. I have faith that You will answer me because You are a loving father, merciful father, full of grace, never disappoints and let down Your children. I know that what I am asking is too much and impossible, but I have faith through Your words and hands, everything is possible and miracles happen. Bless me and Watie IV and fill us with love, hope, faith from heaven so we can start a fresh new beginnings with your love and guidance to have a stronger, mature, peaceful and harmonius relationship. I have faith through the power of love, hope and faith that everything is possible because with You our God nothing is impossible.I have faith my prayers be heard and be granted through Your loving son Jesus Christ, the way, the life and the truth. Amen.
Prayer_Request: A little girl 3 yrs old has been diagnosed with epilempsy. Parents are asking for prayers that this condition can be controlled early in her lifetime. Also pray for Theresa to find a good father for her children ages 10 and 12. They are good family and she can\'t seem to hit the right person to be a good father to her childen. I pray to Padre Pio and I have been to his shrine. I gave my granddaughter to him when she was born with Pardi-Willi a condition where her musle tone is week. With his help I pray she gets stronger and stronger as she growns up. She is now 5 yrs. old Thank you soooooooooooooo much for your prayers.
Prayer_Request: Padre Pio/Parishioners, Please pray for Majed, a man I deeply care about, who\'s been hit with a severe depression and is feeling very down. He\'s a good man with a good heart and all I want is for him to feel happy again. I care about him so much. He\'s suffered a lot of stress and loss lately and is not functioning well. At the moment, we can only be friends because he\'s feeling quite numb. Please pray that he decides to get professional help so that he\'ll feel better--first, for himself, second for his family...and third, so that he\'s happy enough for us to be together again. Thank you so much. PS: I was recently given a Padre Pio medal from my mom and have been wearing it. It has definitely calmed me down and allowed me to be compassionate. I\'m grateful for that and for anything you can do.
Prayer_Request: Holy Spirit, dwell in my heart and Watie Murrell Alberty IV\'s heart fill it with love, hope and faith. Holy Spirit, touch our minds with your wisdom for we be guided and realized of what we are doing, will going to do and what did. Be our conscience and make us more rational, conscious and mature. Be our light for us to see the beauty of our relationship despite of the distance, ups and downs we had. Be our light for us to see a great future for both of us together. Make us both to be more positive, remove the worryings and overcome the overthinking. Sacred Heart of Jesus, let your Precious blood flow in our hearts and souls of Watie Murrell Alberty IV to become pure and holy, fill with love, hope and faith. Take the pain, stains, fears, doubts, and worryings in our heart caused by our past. Heal our broken hearts and broken past with your Precious blood for we can start all over again together with wholeness, fullness of our hearts and with pureness, holliness of our hearts and soul. God the father, I trust you, I believe in you, I love you, I have faith in you. I believe that you brought me and Watie IV for us to be together, we were born for each other and share lives together, I believe we are meant to be, destined for one another and soulmates. But right now we are in separate ways, I believe that You let this happen for us to become mature, to learn,to grow to become more stronger and better individual for each other. I have faith that You will lead us back together once we have changed for better at the right time, place and moment. Our relationship that was lost was filled of true love, true happiness, hope and faith because You were there with us, this makes me to keep on hoping and believing that their will be another chance for us because I have faith that love never dies, lies and fades. I have faith love will lead us back because You are love and love moves in mysterious way. Love patient, kind and faithful. I faith my God, You are listening to my prayers, what i am asking and what my heart\'s desire. I have faith that You will answer me because You are a loving father, merciful father, full of grace, never disappoints and let down Your children. I know that what I am asking is too much and impossible, but I have faith through Your words and hands, everything is possible and miracles happen. Bless me and Watie IV and fill us with love, hope, faith from heaven so we can start a fresh new beginnings with your love and guidance to have a peaceful and harmonius relationship. I have faith through the power of love, hope and faith that everything is possible because with You our God nothing is impossible. I have faith through prayers it can move mountains. I have faith my prayers be heard and granted through Your loving son Jesus Christ, the way, the life and the truth. Amen.
Prayer_Request: and his mother and brothers. He loves and trust his friend and his wife who s always misleading him with tongue. Pls pray for a break up with that relationship if God wishes.
Prayer_Request: Baby Leyden, multiple surgeries(heart and bowel) May she heal and grow stonger every day and for her Momma Melissa, strenghten her and guide her
Prayer_Request: My husband, Al needs prayers for his health. He also needs prayers that he will be able to sleep. It means so much to me to know that the Padre Pio community is praying for him! Thank you so much!
Prayer_Request: St. Padre Pio I ask that you help my son to have a second chance in life. He has made wrong decisions in life which have changed his life and is a non believer in God. I ask that you watch over him so that he will believe and become the person that I know he can be. Thank you. Amen
Prayer_Request: please pray for my union and marraige with allwyn
Prayer_Request: Please pray for my son William , he needs to find God he is very confused but knows that god is calling him but does not understand. Thank you and may god bless you. Mary.
Prayer_Request: Please pray to heal my father of his disability and illness. Heal my mother of blindness.
Prayer_Request: For Physical Healing and to be and stay close to God for my family and myself.
Prayer_Request: I request a prayer for me. I have stage 4 breast cancer with mass to liver. keeping getting chemo but nothing happens it hets worst can somebody be so king to pray for me and ask god to cure me of this devastating sikness God Bless all of you . Thank you Amen
Dear St. Padre Pio I pray to you that when the time comes you will help my daughter deliver a healthy baby without complications. I ask this in the name of Our Blessed Mother that You loved so much.Amen
Healing problem financial sick helps with prayer need a job
Please pray for my special intention
For a dear friend, Frank Laughlin who is having an aneuryrism operated on in his head.
Going for a breast biopsy on Wed 4/30/14 need prayers that this can be benign or at least treatable
Prayer_Request: please pray for my union with allwyn
Going for a breGoing for a breast biopsy on Wed 4/30/14 need prayers that this can be benign or at least treatable ast biopsy on Wed 4/30/14 need prayers that this can be benign or at least treatable

Please, pray for me that God may heal me, help me in my coming examination and grant me financial blessings.

Prayer_Request: Thank You Padre Pio , I ask that I get a call soon that will change my life forever ! I live with gratitude and I am abundantly grateful for you & all you are doing for me.I need to be out of my place ASAP .I know you have my back my hope is this move will go quickly and easily.I love you and I do have--- pray hope an don\'t worry! Thank you and I love you ..... Love and Blessings Gina
Prayer_Request: For Connor Dill he has ms, heart problems,liver, and kidney failure. He is only about 8 years old. He can\'t walk as of yesterday they have to get a wheelchair for him now. They don\'t know how much time he has.
Prayer_Request: Dear St. Padre Pio: Please intercede to help my daughter by praying to Our Heavenly Father for M. Please pray for LU to offer M the job. Please pray for it to be a great place to work and pray that they will convince M that she needs to be a part of their department. Please pray that they will want her to work for them and she will want to work for them. Please pray for God to give M the gift of wisdom, for her to know that it is time for her to take a fulltime job and take on her responsibilities. Padre Pio, Please ask your Guardian Angel to go talk to the people at LU to convince them that they need to offer M the job and for them to allow her to take a leave in order to do the residency as well. Please pray to Our Heavenly Father to help M with this decision and for her to decide to take the job at LU and pray that it will be a great experience for her and that she will be happy there in BT working for LU and that she will make many new friends and find what she is looking for in life. Please pray for M to return to church on a regular basis. Thank you and amen.

Prayer_Request: Dear Padre Pio, Thank you so much for all the blessing that we have through your intercession. Padre Pio me and my husband Richard is praying through your intercession to ask God to give a chance to be a parent, bless us to have child, help us to conceived a healthy baby and able to have a healthy pregnancy this time. Thank you Padre Pio.
Prayer_Request: Please help me find the right property for me . I can move out of 73 Sandra Rd and into the right situations .Quickly and easily and I can feel supported spiritually and my work can grow financially& abundantly . I know Padre Pio you will handle this for me ! Thank you , thank you Thank you !!! PS. I have to be out in May , Thank you .... I Love You ...Thank you
Dear Padre Pio,I want to thank you for always having my back. Please help my brother Philip DiBartolo . Let me find a solutions that is going to pay Philip & trust back everything I owe. I really need to do this it is who I am I want to be in my integrity. Please help me and Philip heal from all this financial stuff . I am so sorry I could not pay the trust I am begging for a solutions. Please help me .... I am so grateful and blessed I have you. Thank you I love you. ..... For Sheryl & Mark & Lilia for there highest good highest healing Highest happiness ..& .financial Abundance ! Help Sheryl & Mark with all and any of there problems and help them,get them resolved. Thank you for Julie Thomson highest good highest healing highest happiness I want the best for her. Thank you for taking care of her. Angela Devita highest good highest healing highest happiness. Anthony DiBartolo highest good highest healing highest happiness !
Dear Padre Pio please intercede for me. I\'m am trying to discern whether me and my girlfriend should get married. I am 50 years old and never been married. she is 45 and was never married. We are both devout catholics. If fear is in the way please let it be dispelled. Please come to my aid Padre Pio. Please help my to pray hope and don\' t worry.
Please Padre Pio please help me !!! I am Stressing out. I am all alone and feeling so frustrated and upset for how my brother feel about me because of money!I did not keep my end of the contract . However, I have been taken care of everyone and that means nothing. Please help me find a solution. Please Please help me find a solution. Please please please .......I am in need of a Miracle Help please .....Thank you Thank you Thank you ........

Dear  prayer team,
Thanks a lot for your prayerful support all through. Once again I request you to pray for my sister johna who is widow and is a cancer patient. She is better and free from cancer by your prayers. Now she is going through lot of tension regarding some land problem. Her in-laws are harassing her so much. All  of us her in lot of tension. we trying to find some solution. and process has began, earnestly pray to the Almighty Lord who is above all and is very powerful. that he may give us proper solution and bring peace in our family Also her son Dezmond who  is trying to go aboard to work pray that he may  get visa soon since his mother is in need of fianancial help. Thanks.
United in Christ.
Sr. Merciana.

Heal my mother from the cancer and mass that was found in her lung. Keep her safe during her surgery on April 3rd. Help her to tolerate the treatments and help her make a very speedy full recovery. Thank you.
Please pray for my brother-in-law John, who is in intensive care with a severe head injury after falling at home. He has received last rites. Pray for God\'s mercy on his soul and that he receives all the care he needs. Thank you.
David Irrgang to the church bulletin prayers request.
Please pray to St. Anthony for the health of my parents. Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew and St. Anthony for the health of my parents so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so that she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for my health and that of my husband.. Please pray for the health of my 2 yr old niece. . Please pray for my health. Please place these prayer before Our Lady. Please pray that I am healthy and my parents and husband and siblings.
Please pray for my son, Edward. He\'s been suffering from severe eczema for 21 years. He\'s getting so depressed. He\'s so itchy and not able to sleep . We\'ve been going to different doctors and no one was able to help him.Thank you.
Please pray for Bill. He is in a very bad place right now and need many prayers. Thank You
Please pray to St. Anthony for the health of my parents. Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew and St. Anthony for the health of my parents so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so that she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for my health and that of my husband.. Please pray for the health of my 2 yr old niece. please please pray for my sister and her health
I was sitting in the Paoli hospital where a young woman was talking about St Padre Pio and how prayers for his help had made her cancer free. I would like prayers for my good friend, Jean Racer, of Centennial, PA who has just had surgery for stage 4 cancer. She will be going for more surgery and chemo very shortly. We lost her 32 year old son, Nathaniel, only two years ago to liver cancer. Please pray for her recovery so that she may stay with us and help her granddaughter keep memories of her father. Thank you.
Please pray to St. Anthony for the health of my parents. Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew and St. Anthony for the health of my parents so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so that she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for my health and that of my husband.. Please pray that I will be fine and healthy. Please pray for the health of my 2 yr old niece. please pray for the health of my parents. Please please pray for my sister. She is having some issues from the birth of her child. Please pray that the doctors can help her and she will be better.
Please pray to St. Anthony for the health of my parents. Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew and St. Anthony for the health of my parents so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so that she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for my health and that of my husband.. Please pray that I will be fine and healthy. Please pray for the health of my 2 yr old niece. please pray for the health of my parents. Please please pray for my sister. She is having some issues from the birth of her child. Please pray that the doctors can help her and she will be better.
Please pray to St. Anthony for the health of my parents. Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew and St. Anthony for the health of my parents so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so that she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for my health and that of my husband.. Please pray that I will be fine and healthy. Please pray for the health of my 2 yr old niece. please pray for the health of my parents
Please pray to St. Anthony for the health of my parents. Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew and St. Anthony for the health of my parents so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so that she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for my health and that of my husband.. Please pray that I will be fine and healthy. Please pray for the health of my 2 yr old niece. please pray for the health of my parent
Please heal and protect my Aunt Jo who just discovered her cancer and that is has spread--she lives in Sicily--aiutala padre pio--te lo chiedo con tutto il mio cuore e l\'anima--amen
Please pray to St. Anthony for the health of my parents. Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew and St. Anthony for the health of my parents so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so that she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for my health and that of my husband.. Please pray that I will be fine and healthy. Please pray for the health of my 2 yr old niece. please pray for the health of my parents
 Please pray to St. Anthony for the health of my parents. Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew and St. Anthony for the health of my parents so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so that she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for my health and that of my husband.. Please pray that I will be fine and healthy. Please pray for the health of my 2 yr old niece. please pray for the health of my parent
Please pray to St. Anthony for the health of my parents. Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew and St. Anthony for the health of my parents so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so that she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for my health and that of my husband.. Please pray that I will be fine and healthy. Please pray for the health of my 2 yr old niece. please pray for the health of my parents
please pray for my eyes to get better andson to go back with his x wife and kids joes eyes and health
Please pray to St. Anthony for the health of my parents. Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew and St. Anthony for the health of my parents so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so that she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for my health and that of my husband.. Please pray that I will be fine and healthy. Please pray for the health of my 2 yr old niece. please pray for the health of my parents.
complete healing of Ray and Lucy and an abundant and prosperous life healthy emotionally, physically and spiritually for our whole family. ty Lord and Padre Pio
Dear Padre Pio, 1. Please make Olinda a normal and happy person. Refrain her from harassing Bosco. Give him the courage to bear this harassment. 2. I trust in you to heal me of Parkinsons which is creating havoc with my health and family 3. Help Benedict to have patience with me. 4. Please bring back Anil & family to the catholic family. 5. Intercede that I may be washed in the Precious Blood of Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit. 6. Touch and heal all who suffering. THANK YOU JESUS PRAISE YOU JESUS ! Celine
My daughter has recently received troubling test results and needs surgery on Thursday. Please pray for Suzanne
Prayer Requested: Please pray that my back and hips are healed soon. Also, please pray that I receive a great job offer very soon.

Please include my grandpa, Ramon Salita, in your prayers. He is currently suffering with emphysema and having a hard time breathing. He is 84 years old and cannot endure so much pain. My family is in need of prayers for his fast recovery. I have so much faith that St. Pio is praying for us all and Our Lord will hear our prayers. Thank you! God Bless us all!

Prayer Requested: Please pray that my back and hips are healed soon. Also, please pray that I receive a great job offer very soon.
Prayer Requested: Dear Padre Pio, In January Iasked you to help my special friend Joseph Galaz. As you know now on January 27th Joseph was called to be with the Lord and you. I hope you are takeing good care of him. Joseph loved you and prayed to you all the time. Also, Thank you for giving him a peaceful death and letting him have his wish to be home with his family and friends and his dog Monte by his side. He is now at peace with Jesus and the Blessed Mary and of course you. Take care of him for all of us. We love you.RUTH
Prayer Requested: father I am handicapped and in a wheelchair, please pray to St. Pio so that I may walk again. Thank You, David
Prayer Requested: Please pray for the health and safety of my unborn baby.
Prayer Requested: I'm pregnant and my son has been diagnosed with bladder exstrophy. I am delivering him on 2/12/14 and his surgery will be 4/7/14, I just ask for prayers of healing and miracles. His name will be Robert Dale. Thank you, Stacey Schwartz
Prayer Requested: Prayer Request of Esther Eveline Elisabeth Iskandar Dear GOD, kindly please fullfill all my wishes as follows :
1. Bless my Finance life at present & in future please 2. Give me more Wisdom in everything, to know the good & the bad like King Salomo & Queen Esther 3. I’ve been alone & so lonely for this past 14 years already, please give me a real good and real Catholic Soulmate GOD, since my ages in this 2014 will be 42 years old now.
4. Give me the knowledge to know the future of others peoples all around me & also knowledge to know my own future too, so that I can honor GOD & show GOD’s power to everyone in this world.
5. Please give peace between me and all the family member such as me and my elder Sister, me and my younger brother, and me with my both old Parents always.
6. Please give healthy-ness and long life to my both old Parents always.
Thank you.

Prayer Requested: Please pray for my roommate Johny. He's going to have surgery on his shoulder. He's in a situation where he can't get to the doctors available to perform a surgery. Please ask Jesus and Padre Pio to look after him.
Also for my friend Mike who doesn't have much faith in the Lord.
Prayer Requested: pleasehelp my son ROCKY get thru his legal problems let his name be cleared so he can find another good job in his athletic field help him get a good job that he has been waiting for keep him safe healthy and happy and patient thank you i trust in you a concered mother who loves her only son
Prayer Requested: I'm asking our Padre Pio family to pray for a friend of mine. Her name is Tara Hollandar. She is a Franklinville resident and currently she works in Vineland. She has been battling cancer. She was cancer free for 3 years and recently her doctors had given her the news that the cancer is back. The cancer is spreading up her stomach and the doctors are not able to operate or do radiation treatments. She will begin chemo on Tuesday I'm asking that everyone say a special prayer for her. She will continue with chemo treatments for 18 weeks. Thank you!
Prayer Requested: Please pray for my special intentions that my prayers are answered and I have God's favor with my career and finances in Jesus name Amen.
Prayer Requested: Hi,
Please pray for me and Shelly. Shelly and I were friends who fell in love and over the past few months had a challenging time. We broke up and remained friends. Recently, I betrayed her trust and told a mutual friend something private of hers. She now refuses to speak with me. Shelly is the woman I want to walk my journey with. She is the woman that I want to marry and have children with. She is my puzzle piece. I pray that she will forgive me for breaking her trust and that we find a way to once again be couple and in love. Thank you for your prayers Mich

Prayer Requested: Please pray for my roommate Johny. He's going to have surgery on his shoulder. He's in a situation where he can't get to the doctors available to perform a surgery. Please ask Jesus and Padre Pio to look after him.
Also for my friend Mike who doesn't have much faith in the Lord.

Prayer Requested: That I find an improved relationship with my friend.
That my daughters family finds work.

Dearest Padre Pio,
Today I am very worried. I know you already know my concerns. It is about my work. Please help me.
Prayer Requested: St.Pio, today (23) is my birthday. I've been asking for God's grace to bring my adoptive son back, to touch Guilherme's heart for him to realize all my love and everything I've done for his happiness, self-esteem and dignity. He doesn't want to get in touch and I've been told that he is behaving like the prodigal son, wasting graces and acting as a teenager (he is 26!). He needs to grow up, to understand he is a man. I will receive him back without any judgement, with love and tears of joy. However, I'm almost losing my faith because, although my heart is hopeful, my reason knows it is impossible. I'm tired of crying and suffering, my life is stalled, I don't want to do anything, everything has lost interest. And I'm neglecting my other son, but I can't help, I feel dry and dead. Then, St.Pio, intercede with God to take me back to Him. I don't want to live anymore.
Kindly intercede for all those suffering from Parkinsons, Alzhemiers etc. Please bring Anil & fly. to the Catholic faith. Please also solve my maid-problem. THANK YOU JESUS PRAISE YOU JESUS !

Prayer Requested: Our dear friends Tony Malandro had surgery last week and has had many complications and still struggling to recover. prayers appreciated

Prayer Requested: St Pio, it's now a month since I heard from my adoptive son. I cry and pray day and night, he doesn't want to be near; he doesn't want to get in touch. I beg you, have mercy and touch Guilherme's heart to break that icy armour that seems to be around it, for him to repent both the harsh words he said, and having left me. That he forgives me for not being a perfect father, my many mistakes, but realizes that I've done everything for his happiness, self-esteem, dignity and future, and that nobody loves him like I do. And, finally, please, bring him back to me. I feel like I'm dead, I'm losing my faith; my life is gray and tasteless. I'm even neglecting my other son, out of sadness. I just want to die for living without him is impossible for me.

Prayer Requested: Dear St. Pio, thankyou for helping me in my time of sicknes, I come to you to pray for my Very Special friend Joseph who has Lung Cancer and after radiation treament is now having side affects which is causing him to have truble breathing and he had to be put in the hospital and is not doing good. with your help please make him get through this terrible time and recover from all his sickness.
His friend Joe gave him your staue to hold and the nurse taped it in his hand so it won't get lost. He has not been awake for three days and on a breathing machine. Help him to breath on his own again. He loves and prayes to you all the time. the doctors said when they took him for his Ct scan his IV dripped blood and it ran dwn his hand to your statue so I know you will help him pull through this sickness with this wonderful sign.
thankyou Ruth

Prayer Requested: I am reqesting prayers for to lessen the strain between my daughter and myself. I am grateful for the small changes that have occured, however we still have some way to go.

Prayer Requested: Praying for Diane to reconnect with her family who loves her very much

Prayer Requested: Please, St Padre Pio, pray for the end of our separation, the softening of my husband's heart towards me and our marriage, and the complete healing of our marriage. Thank you so much!

Prayer Requested: Please dear St Padre Pio, pray for the end of our separation, that my husband's heart will soften towards me, and for a complete healing of our marriage. Thank you so much.
Please help heal and improve my relationship with the love of my life. Help to restore faith in me. Help to forgive me. Please bring us together in love and life. Please let me find a healthy and affordable place to live. Thank you

Prayer Requested: please pray for my body healing carpal tunnel surgery both hands, my shoulders pain, and full recovery for my knees so that i can go back to work, also pray to keep my son safe christopher and he grows in his new job / that hes well appreciated. one day he gets a job with full benefits, pray i win my case with edgar a he will have to stop abusing me, pray i get my settlement so i can donate something to my parish. pray my faith grows strong help me continue cleaning my church. hel[p my mom to learn to forgive

Prayer Requested: please pray for my body healing carpal tunnel surgery both hands, my shoulders pain, and full recovery for my knees so that i can go back to work, also pray to keep my son safe christopher and he grows in his new job / that hes well appreciated. one day he gets a job with full benefits, pray i win my case with edgar a he will have to stop abusing me, pray i get my settlement so i can donate something to my parish. pray my faith grows strong help me continue cleaning my church. hel[p my mom to learn to forgive

Prayer Requested: St. Pio, I beg you, bring my adoptive son Guilherme back to me. You know my suffering and pain, he refuses to get in touch, he is behaving as if we were strangers and I really don't know what else to do, apart from praying and crying. I beseech you, touch his heart for him to realize everything I've done and do for him, and all my love, that he feels he need of staying with me, sharing his life with me, as we have always done, until less than a month ago. I know that God can do impossible things, but I'm in despair. I cannot live without him, I'd rather be dead.

Prayer Requested: Please St. Padre Pio help my son Lucas with his illness. He needs our heavenly father strenght and guidence along with your prayers.. Please keep him strong and heal him of his weakness and illness.



Prayer Requested: my uncle mr. jyana jyoti Ghosh is in a state of coma in an ICU unit in india. please pray for a miracle for him

Prayer Requested: please pray for trihisa juett and buddy dobish they both have cancer please send a piece of his glove

Prayer Requested: Please pray for Jim; he has been told that doctors can do nothing more for him because his cancer is too far along. He is only 60 and prays daily for God's grace.

Prayer Requested: Father Pio I believe you answered my prayer and healed my son of narcolepsy. Now I ask for healing for myself. I have breast cancer.Please protect me during my surgery and treatment. Please grant that cancer may leave my body never to return. Please heal my spirit that I may always remain a child of God. Protect me and continue to let me walk in your Light. Thank you for all you have done.

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