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Prayers for 2013

November 25, 2013

Prayer Request to:
The Holy Trinity, All the Saints, The Virgin Mary, Infant Jesus, Infant Mary.

-SuperNatural Breakthrough Miracles.
-SuperNatural Miracles for my Special Intentions.

Rev 21:7 "He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son."
Rev 2:27 "He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, TO HIM I WILL GIVE AUTHORITY OVER THE NATIONS; AND HE SHALL RULE THEM WITH A ROD OF IRON, AS THE VESSELS OF THE POTTER ARE BROKEN TO PIECES, as I also have received authority from My Father; and I will give him the morning star."

Btw, I am Both of these characters, "he who overcomes", just fyi, because I want to spread this consciousness around to obtain those graces.

My Picture:

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Thank you. God Bless.

Prayer Requested: Please pray for my son Steven he has a single ventricle heart and has had two open heart surgeries. he also has alot of anxiety. I pray that he have peace in his heart and his mind..Please pray for him that he will stay healthy always. May i also please ask for prayers for my husband Joe. he is filled with anger, sorrow, hurt and bitterness. Please pray that he find his way ... Thank you




Prayer Requested: dear saint pio ,intercede for the healing of jason who is suffering from depression and is about to go to a mental institution.may your intercession help and console his family.thank you

November 21, 2013

I would like to ask a prayer for the intention for the approval of my Permanent Residency application here in Canada, and also for Good health and safety of my my whole family and lastly, please help my country Philippines to uplift their spirits during this time of calamity.


November 17, 2013

Prayer Requested: Please pray for my beloved son's safe return to his family. He is lost. Please pray for his soul and his family. Thank you. May GOD BLESS US ALL <3

Prayer Requested: Please pray for the Philippines, that the victims of the recent super typhoon and earthquake are comforted, given the help they need and healed of their physical, emotional and psychological infirmities. Please also pray that the affected places and the rest of the country do not suffer from any more major disasters/calamities.

Prayer Requested: I am sending a prayer for my friend Arturo Morales who has just been recently diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. Arturo is a good man, always positive and upbeat regardless of the circumstances and ceertainly does not deserve this. I pray that his treatment is easy and that his prognosis is a good one. Thank you!

November 14, 2013

Prayer Requested: Please pray that God helps Catherine and Michael to find their way back to each other and rebuild their relationship.

Prayer Requested: Dear St Pio, I am asking you to let my Husband Francis prostate testing come out normal and show no sign of cancer. I thank you for answering all my prayers in the past. I love you and keep you close to my Heart.
Thankyou again Ruth

Prayer Requested: For my husband to not give up on me. For the relationship with my husband and s to weaken and the one with s and her fiance to strengthen and they marry quickly. In the name of Jesus Amen. Thank You.

Prayer Requested: St Pio, I beg you! I don't know what else I could do. I need my relation with my son Guilherme to be stronger than ever and that he stays near me and be aware of everything I've been doing for him. That he stops lying and focus in what is important; he is 26. My wife refuses to accept him in our family and I'm suffering so much I'd rather be dead. Please, St. Pio, intercede for me, I only cry and pray all day long.

November 10, 2013


Prayer Requested: I am sending a prayer for my friend Arturo Morales who has just been recently diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. Arturo is a good man, always positive and upbeat regardless of the circumstances and ceertainly does not deserve this. I pray that his treatment is easy and that his prognosis is a good one. Thank you!

November 6, 2013

Please listen to my desperate request for assistance. I lost my job and I'm about to lose my house. I have not paid for my house for quite sometime because of my job loss. I got a job but lost it soon after, last Saturday, November 2, 2013. I was not able to keep it not even for a month. I came accross a nurse who was supposed to train me on nights, she was very abrasive, rough with me and I ultimately felt I could not survive there, she had been working there for over 35 years and was retiring in 2 weeks, she had not a kind word or act towards me. I am a nurse, but now is very difficult to find a decent pay job, even here in California. I was supposed to fill her position .... Now I am back to zero, alone with 2 kids, almost without a house, no family, not real friends, nobody in California, single mom. The bank will take my house any time ...

Please Padre Pio, Please Prayer Group do not forget about me, about my prayer request, please pray for me to get a job soon ... please try not to forget about me, Elsie and my desperate need for your assistance. I really and honestly need prayer help, help from Padre Pio and you

Bless you all and Thank You

November 3, 2013

Prayer Requested: St. Pio, I beg you, release my son Guilherme from all temptations, that he may wait for God's will in his life. Help our relation to grow stronger every day, that we may be even closer. And that my wife finally accepts him in our family. This situation is killing me, I just wish to die with sadness. Geraldo

Prayer Requested: To pray that my finger that is fractured to heal right with no problems and with no pain.


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